The Right Dental Cleaning Solutions in the Right Pattern

 Brushing your teeth and flossing your teeth may seem like trivial things. You probably already know that it is essential to perform these actions daily to maintain your oral health, but did you know that it is just as important to have the right technique? We explain the important elements for you to become a brushing and flossing ace.

Brushing teeth

Brushing your teeth eliminates bacteria and dental plaque that cause tooth decay and gum disease, respectively. It is often said that a good brushing of the teeth should last at least 2 minutes, but its duration is only one element which differentiates an effective brushing from a poorly executed brushing. For all essential Dental Cleaning this is important now.

Here are the other recommendations that are just as essential to follow to adopt the right technique:

·        Be sure to use a toothbrush with fine, soft bristles. Brushes with stiff bristles can wear down tooth enamel over time and cause gum recession. Replace your toothbrush every three months

·        Place the toothbrush at a 45 ° angle, so that the end of the bristles of the brush are at the base of the teeth, just below the gums

·        Perform a circular motion, lightly massaging the teeth, from top to bottom

Avoid brushing too hard or making a horizontal movement. Both of these habits can cause serious harm to your gums when performed repeatedly over many years;

Apply these tips, making sure you pay special attention to each side of your teeth. To do this, try to go there in a structured way by going section by section. For example, start with the outside of your upper teeth, then clean the chewing surface, finishing with the inside. Then repeat the operation for the lower teeth.


Unfortunately, daily flossing is a habit that is overlooked by many. However, it is the best way to remove as much food residue and dental plaque as possible when combined with brushing.

Here's the procedure to follow:

Floss before brushing your teeth. In this way, a maximum of bacteria can be eliminated with the toothbrush and toothpaste;

Use an amount of yarn equal to the length of your arm. Wrap the yarn around each middle finger of your hands until you leave about 2 inches of yarn in your hands;

Form a semi-circle at the base of the tooth and slide the floss slowly to the end of the tooth. Repeat 2 or 3 times and be sure to clean each side of each tooth;

When the floss accumulates residue, clean it with your fingers before focusing on the following teeth.

Once the dental floss has passed between each of your teeth, brush them carefully using the technique explained above.

You now have all the knowledge you need to perform optimal cleaning of your teeth. Put them into practice and you will see, your dentist will be proud of you!



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