Teeth Whitening is Not a Problem Anymore: Opt for the Best

 Did you dream of a bright smile, highlighted by pronounced white enamel? Current methods and products are constantly improving while respecting your teeth from professional office treatments to home whitening kits, an overview of the techniques that work.

A real promise of seduction and health, having a pretty smile inevitably involves white and well-aligned teeth. However, different factors of a hereditary nature (natural coloring or aging of the tooth), pathological (tetracycline intake during the period of tooth formation) or even from lifestyle (consumption of coffee, tea, tobacco, etc.) sometimes make yellow or stained teeth. For the proper Teeth Whitening solutions this is important.

What is tooth whitening?

This simple cosmetic dentistry process is used to lighten the discoloration of enamel and dentin through the use of a gel based on hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide). Whether in office or at home, no whitening treatment should be carried out without first having carried out a thorough oral examination by a dental surgeon in order to verify the absence of contraindications (  untreated cavities , devitalized teeth, weakness enamel, gum irritation ,  etc.) as well as effective scaling .

This type of treatment is only recommended when the teeth are strongly yellowed. “The important thing is to preserve as much as possible the natural shade of the tooth so that it matches the entire face ", emphasizes dental surgeon Olivier Hue.

Treatments in the dentist's office

Naturally, it is to the dentist that you have to orient yourself first. He will make an inventory of the dental condition before considering a teeth whitening. There are two: so- called "chair side" bleaching and "ambulatory” bleaching.

Bleaching "in the chair"

The first is carried out entirely in the office in one or two sessions. The dentist makes, from an impression of dental arches, a custom-made flexible plastic splint which then accommodates the highly concentrated whitening gel and this during an exposure time that can vary from 20 to 90 minutes depending on of the initial state of the tooth. In some cases, the dentist may find it useful to use a high energy lamp or laser to activate the brightening process. It should be noted that the treatments carried out are painless.


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