Most Effective Choices for the Dental Cleaning Solutions


Oral health is an integral part of good overall health. Preventive dental follow-ups such as examination of the oral cavity, scaling and prophylaxis are the basis of optimal oral health! However, many patients neglect routine visits to the dentist and dental hygienist. Some think them unnecessary, judging that their teeth seem healthy. And others even mistakenly think that they are necessary only if they feel pain. In this article, we will therefore explain to you what this care is for and its importance.

Why do we have to go to the dentist?

Remove dental plaque and tartar

Even with impeccable dental hygiene combining dental floss and toothbrush, no one is able to completely eliminate dental plaque and tartar. Of course, you can prevent these deposits, but only the instruments used by the dental hygienist can properly remove them.

First, the scaling done by the latter removes the hard deposits of tartar that forms on the teeth. The Dental Cleaning (polishing / prophylaxis), on the other hand, makes it possible to soften and polish their surface in order to prevent the dental plaque - hardly visible - to adhere to it and to accumulate there. In addition, this treatment also improves the appearance of teeth by removing stains (tea, coffee, red wine etc.).

Why do you need to remove dental plaque and tartar?

Plaque, when it builds up on teeth, can cause cavities, but it can also calcify and form tartar. If plaque and tartar are not removed, they can cause gingivitis, a gum disease that, if left unchecked, can develop into periodontitis, a leading cause of tooth loss in adults.

Detect problems early

Even if you don't feel any pain or notice any abnormalities in your mouth, that doesn't mean you're okay. In this sense, only a dentist in conjunction with the hygienist can detect incipient caries, periodontal disease, defective fillings, oral lesions and other oral diseases, and this, before they cause you pain or they are apparent. They are then able to offer you an appropriate treatment. And when the problem is still at an early stage, the solution is generally simpler and less expensive!

Take care of your oral health

The dentist does not only look at the gums! The tongue, soft tissues, palate, throat and the inside of the cheeks are also carefully examined for any disease such as, among others, cancer of the mouth.

How often should you go to the dentist?

Once a year, every six months, more often, more rarely; there is no easy answer to this question. How often you should visit your dentist depends on a multitude of factors, such as health, age, medication, etc. Your ability and diligence in performing personal oral hygiene care also comes into play. The interval between appointments is established mainly according to the caries index, the plaque index observed as well as the measured periodontal index.


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