Most Effective Choices for the Dental Cleaning Solutions
Oral health is an integral part of good overall health. Preventive dental follow-ups such as examination of the oral cavity, scaling and prophylaxis are the basis of optimal oral health! However, many patients neglect routine visits to the dentist and dental hygienist. Some think them unnecessary, judging that their teeth seem healthy. And others even mistakenly think that they are necessary only if they feel pain. In this article, we will therefore explain to you what this care is for and its importance. Why do we have to go to the dentist? Remove dental plaque and tartar Even with impeccable dental hygiene combining dental floss and toothbrush, no one is able to completely eliminate dental plaque and tartar. Of course, you can prevent these deposits, but only the instruments used by the dental hygienist can properly remove them. First, the scaling done by the latter removes the hard deposits of tartar that forms on the teeth. The Dental Cleaning (polishing / prophylaxi...